Given the market success and flexibility of the vSAN and NSX solutions, VMware enables partners to provide additional capabilities – like security. One key observation from the recent VMworld 2018 conference, is that Security-in-Depth needs to become the de facto approach for security. Continue...
Tags: data breach, cybersecurity, data protection
Tags: cyber attack, data breach, cybersecurity,
Tags: cyber attack, cybersecurity, ransomware,
Tags: data breach, secdevops, cybersecurity,
Tags: cyber attack, data breach, cybersecurity,
Tags: cyber attack, data breach, cybersecurity,
There are always interesting and insightful presentations at the RSA security conference, and this year was no exception.
Tags: data breach, gdpr, cybersecurity,
We all agree we need to secure DevOps, but what should we call it? There are so many terms out there. Whether it is DevSecOps...
Tags: data breach, secdevops, cybersecurity,
Tags: data breach, cybersecurity, data protection
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