Cybersecurity Blog

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Our Takeaways from the 2020 RSA Security Conference

This year’s RSA Security Conference was a rousing success, even with the onslaught on Covid-19. During our time at the show there were a number of interesting cyber security trends that we observed and wanted to share. As you continue to plan for 2020 and consider your overall security strategies,...

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Tags: cyber attack, secdevops, cybersecurity

Reap the Benefits of IoT, Without Compromising SCADA Security

Industry 4.0,” the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), and other trends are capable of delivering many powerful benefits, but...

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Tags: cybersecurity, IoT, operational technology

Improve the Effectiveness of SOAR Solutions, and Accelerate Threat Detection and Response Times

One way to think of SOAR security solutions is that they’re essentially where man meets machine in the cybersecurity world. Yet...

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Tags: cyber attack, cybersecurity, siem

What is a Threat Attack Surface? And How Can You Minimize Your Risk?

A cyber threat attack surface refers to the digital and physical vulnerabilities in your hardware and software environment. Learn...

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Tags: cyber attack, cybersecurity

Looking Back at Cybersecurity Trends in 2019 (and Ahead to 2020)

A look back at three of the biggest cyber security trends of 2019, and how a new approach to incident response and threat...

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Tags: cyber attack, gdpr, cybersecurity,

What Do the Worst Breaches in History All Have in Common?

A Review of the Nine Worst U.S. Data Breaches Reveals the One Common Element that Led to Disaster

In this blog article, we...

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Tags: cyber attack

Understanding the Strengths and Limitations of Your Intrusion Detection System

Intrusion detection systems (IDS) are a vital consideration in today’s network security environment. But an IDS alone is not a...

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Tags: data breach, cybersecurity, siem

A New Approach to Cyber Security Incident Response

How to better leverage the security tools you have to achieve faster incident response and surgical threat containment


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Tags: cyber attack, data breach, cybersecurity

Faster, Better Threat Identification Means Faster Incident Response.

Here we go, again. The recent Petya ransomware attack caught the EU off guard and created chaos that rippled through...

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Tags: cyber attack, cybersecurity, intrusion response,